Friday 26 June 2015

Time Tomb concept

leading from
a) In the 2010s, my concept evolved into the idea of the derelict ship becoming a time capsule placed there by something aeons ago by something realising that the human race would eventually intercept it and find out what was in there and get into trouble. Everything we've assumed about this civilisation is a result of it being a construct with elements inspired by human perception. Perhaps something in the distant past could see into the future, perhaps by making guesses with quantum physics in a manner that we find in our modern sci-fi mythologies.

b) I liked the idea of "Time tombs" when it was mentioned to me about JG Ballard's 1963 short story "The Time Tombs" turned up as a subject in JG Ballard's. Time tombs also turned up in the 1989 Dan Simmon's novel Hyperion, certain anomalous structures assumed to have been sent from the future to fulfill a purpose.  In 2012 a 'Time tomb team' of archaeologists are mentioned in connection with the group of archaeologists from the University of Leicester who are leading the search for the lost grave of King Richard III (see:

c) What this presented the aliens as seem to be less and less of a concern, as if whatever they were, it was nothing more than the need to grab the human civilisation's attention for any old reason. The human need to revive an ancient civilisation is another lie thrust upon the human civilisation. The apocalyptic Christian fundamentalists have got it right all along, everything out in the depths of space is there to deceive the human species.

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